Göran Ehrsson Tuesday, 09 June 1998 Page 56

Four Wheel Drive Events 1996

Terrain Touring, Chiefland
Enköping, Sweden.

This was the first meeting I attended with my Willys. I got many experiences during those days.

  1. Be careful when you drive on branches, they could damage exposed parts under the jeep, like pipes to your power steering pump!
  2. When you repair a power steering pump, make sure it is perfectly free from dirt when you assemble it! :-)

The first day

I raced around over rock and hills for one hour until a branch got stuck and broke a pipe to the power steering. No more off road for me that day!

Me behind the wheel

Instead I got a chance to test drive a Hummer! The Swedish and Icelandic importers of Hummer where there and showed two Hummer's. Everyone got a change to test it's capabilities. Did I fall in love or did I fall in love? :-)

Hummer Race

The Icelandic Hummer importer raced against a Willys in a spectacular show. The Hummer did of cource(?) win the race, but the Willys was not far behind.

The evening - In the garage

I spent the whole evening in the garage trying to make a new pipe to the power steering, and I managed to do so.
The next morning I headed for the meeting area, but after a few miles the power steering pump collapsed! I think there was dirt in the pump from yesterdays incident that caused it to brake. So I headed home without power steering again, and the two days Terrain Touring was over for me. Better luck next year. Overall it was lots of fun, lots of mud and a useful experience.
The week after, I bought a new (used) Range Rover pump and placed it higher up so it's not so exposed.

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Göran Ehrsson

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